責任教員(所属) Instructor name (Affiliation) |
Henshaw, Michael (Faculty of Veterinary of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University) |
責任教員連絡先(メール)/Instructor email | mike*hokudai.vetmed.ac.jp |
責任教員連絡先(電話)/Instructor phone | 011-706-6896 |
Link to instructor bio or website | |
Teaching Assistant name and contact info | Aoshima, Keisuke (Faculty of Veterinary of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University) |
実施期間/Periods | 17th May 2022 |
Language | English |
実施場所/Class Locations | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and on Webex |
The contents and set up of the event changes depending on participants. In general, it consists of presentations from experts and interaction with the audience.
Depends on activity.
Flyer for the event in May 2022
To highlight methodological and ideological differences among researchers from different fields who have similar objects of study.