M302_Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Goals II



Credits ( if register as Inter Graduate School Classes Coursd of Hokkaido University ): 2
Instructor name (Affiliation)
池田 敦子 (保健科学研究院 保健科学部門 健康科学分野)
Atsuko IKEDA (Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University)

Other Instructors:
1. Ait Bamai YU / Hokkaido University
2. Taro YAMAUCHI / Hokkaido University
3. Kayo UEDA / Hokkaido University
4. Tsuyoshi KAWAKAMI / International Labor Organization
5. Le Thai HA / Vietnam Environmental Management Department of the Ministry of Health
6. Rahel Mesfin KETEMA / Hokkaido University
責任教員連絡先(メール)/Instructor email AAraki*cehs.hokudai.ac.jp
責任教員連絡先(電話)/Instructor phone 011-706-3325
Link to instructor bio or website https://www.hs.hokudai.ac.jp/e/faculty-members/atsuko-ikeda
Teaching Assistant name and contact info Rahel Mesfin KETEMA(krahel*cehs.hokudai.ac.jp)
Kanae ABE(jimu3*cehs.hokudai.ac.jp)
実施期間/Periods 10th-14th June 2024
Language English
実施場所/Class Locations Hokkaido University, Centennial Hall, 2nd floor small meeting room, School of Medicine https://www.med.hokudai.ac.jp/100th/memorialhall.html

Class Information


Understanding the depth and complexity of the SDGs - especially for environmental health is essential for working professionals to understand and work efficiently in the complex world we live in. In this course, students will explore diverse topics in environmental health, SDGs sanitation and WASH project, occupational health, water safety, and air quality will be provided by experts from domestic and overseas in the fields of environmental health science, education, and environmental pollution. Additionally, students will work in a group to prepare a presentation on the environment and its relationship with health impact. This group discussion suggesting possible solutions to environmental issues on health is a significant part of this course.




Schedule and Activities


l  7 class of lectures on various topics in environmental health study such as environmental SDGs, occupational health, water and sanitation hygiene, radiation effects, air pollution, plastics pollution etc.

l  Half-day student group work presentation on water, air, or pollution health impact. Presentation topics will be selected by the student group members.

l Extra group work hours may be required for preparing the group presentation on June 14th.

Download timetable as of 20240325.pdf


  • Lesson from WHO officer 2023

  • Lecture on air pollution and round table discussion.

  • Students group presentation

  • Student's creation of informative leaflets.


履修登録はこちらから。/ Click here to register. 

履修登録締終了:2024年5月17日  / Registration CLOSED:17th May 2024 

Link to instructors bio or website:

1. https://www.cehs.hokudai.ac.jp/en/ait-bamai-yu

2. https://www.hs.hokudai.ac.jp/e/faculty-members/taro-yamauchi

3. https://researchers.general.hokudai.ac.jp/profile/en.ec72323e00bdff37520e17560c007669.html

4. https://www.ilo.org/tokyo/ilo-japan/hq-staff/WCMS_762053/lang--en/index.htm

5.  https://events.development.asia/author/le-thai-ha

6. https://www.hs.hokudai.ac.jp/e/faculty-members/rahel-mesfin-ketema

Class Information


The course goal is to student's accomplishments in addressing national and international environmental health issues and outline solutions to solve problems and achieve SDGs.


l  To learn sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through sanitation and WASH projects in association with environmental health.

l  To understand early life environment, occupational environment, e-waste pollution, air quality, and water safety are associated with health effects.

l  To explain multidisciplinary environmental health issues and suggest solutions for solving problems and achieving SDGs.

l   To engage in a group discussion, prepare a leaflet and summarize including environment and health but not limited to the SDGs and health topic as an output of the group work which will be modified and transferred to WHO.

Download Class Information.pdf


Mandatory course to be taken together: Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Goals I
