M301_Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Goals I



Credits ( if register as Inter Graduate School Classes Coursd of Hokkaido University ): 2
Instructor name (Affiliation)
池田 敦子(保健科学研究院 保健科学部門 健康科学分野)
Atsuko IKEDA (Faculty of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University)

Other Instructors:
1. Ait Bamai YU / Hokkaido University
2. Rahel Mesfin KETEMA/ Hokkaido University
3. Akeem ALI/ World Health Organization
4. Paul JAGALS / University of Queensland, Australia
5. Hien Thi Thu NGO / Thang Long University, Vietnam
6. Collen LAU/University of Queensland, Australia
責任教員連絡先(メール)/Instructor email aaraki*cehs.hokudai.ac.jp
責任教員連絡先(電話)/Instructor phone 011-706-3325
Link to instructor bio or website https://www.hs.hokudai.ac.jp/e/faculty-members/atsuko-ikeda
Teaching Assistant name and contact info Rahel Mesfin KETEMA(krahel*cehs.hokudai.ac.jp)
Kanae ABE(jimu*cehs.hokudai.ac.jp)
実施期間/Periods 3rd-7th June 2024
Language English
実施場所/Class Locations On-Campus Tentative
Hokkaido University, Centennial Hall, 2nd-floor small meeting room, School of Medicine https://www.med.hokudai.ac.jp/100th/memorialhall.html
On Friday, 7th June, a facility visit outside the university

Class Information


Understanding the depth and complexity of the SDGs - especially for environmental health - is essential for working professionals to understand and work efficiently in the complex world we live in. In this course, students will explore diverse topics in environmental health and SDGs provided by experts from domestic institutes and overseas in the field of environmental chemicals exposure and health science, WHO and SDGs, infectious disease, education on environmental hazards and diseases, including management of environment to protect health. Furthermore, visitation to the local polychlorinated biphenyl treatment facility will allow students to learn about operating of the environmental issues and its solutions (subject to change depending on the COVID-19 circumstances).




Schedule and Activities


l   7 classes of lectures on various environmental health topics such as basic environmental health, hazards of chemical exposure, WHO and SDGs, infectious diseases, management of environments to protect  health, etc.  

l  Classes will be held on 4 consecutive days from Monday to Thursday starting at 8:45 AM to 12:00 PM.

l   June 7th scheduled to visit PCB facility. Subject to change depending on the COVID-19 circumstances.

l  Report summary of the course.

Download timetable_as of 20240325.pdf  


  • Online lesson

  • PCB facility visit in Muroran city, Hokkaido


履修登録はこちらから。/ Click here to register. 

履修登録終了:2024年5月17日  / Registration CLOSED:17th May 2024 

Link to instructors bio or website:

1.       https://www.cehs.hokudai.ac.jp/en/ait-bamai-yu

2.      https://www.hs.hokudai.ac.jp/e/faculty-members/rahel-mesfin-ketema

3.      https://www.linkedin.com/in/akeemali/?originalSubdomain=uk

4.      https://researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/2496

5.      https://researchers.uq.edu.au/researcher/2260

6.      https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hien-Ngo-5


Class Information


l  To understand the latest global, WHO and local environmental health issues, and to recognize SDGs in association with environmental health.

l  To understand the management of environmental hazards/ chemicals and reduce health effects.

l  To discuss how the topics of each lecture and each participant's perspectives would relate to the achievement of the SDGs targets.

Download Class Information.pdf


Mandatory course to be taken together: Environmental Health and Sustainable Development Goals II
