M204_Sapporo Summer Symposium for One Health (SaSSOH)



Credits ( if register as Inter Graduate School Classes Coursd of Hokkaido University ): 1
Instructor name (Affiliation)
小林 進太郎(北海道大学大学院獣医学研究院 公衆衛生学教室)
Shintaro KOBAYASHI (Laboratory of Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University)
責任教員連絡先(メール)/Instructor email sassoh*vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp
責任教員連絡先(電話)/Instructor phone 011-706-6108
Link to instructor bio or website https://sassoh.vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp/upcoming-sassoh/
実施期間/Periods 4th-5th September 2024
Language English
実施場所/Class Locations Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (in person)

Class Information


SaSSOH (Sapporo Summer Symposium for One Health) is an annual international symposium that postgraduate students and young faculties fully get involved in planning and organizing the two-day-event.
The academic event consists of oral and poster presentations by students, a student session, and special talks by invited speakers. Last year, we invited two leading experts from the US and Australia in the field of One Health. More than 100 students actively attended the symposium to presented and discussed their own research. Such active discussions among young academia from all over the world always brings positive outcomes, such as improving students’ critical thinking, encouraging their creativity, and establishing useful networks.

Participants are expected to present their own research as oral and/or poster presentation.



Prior registration is required through the SaSSOH website.

Schedule and Activities


4th-5th September, 2024

See the program at the SaSSOH website.



  • Poster Session

  • Student Session


履修登録はこちらから。/ Click here to register.

履修登録終了:2024年6月30日 / Registration CLOSED:30th June 2024 

Class Information


  1. To give a presentation of your own research.
  2. To improve skills for discussion/presentation for working with people with various backgrounds.
  3. To find out possible solutions for global issues in the field of One Health.


【Completion Requirements】
❖ WISE students
Oral or Poster Presentation, or Joining the whole SaSSOH (2 days) including Student Session
❖ Ally students
[Rakuno, Obihiro students (Full course)]
Oral or Poster Presentation + Joining Student Session
[Hokudai students]
Joining Student Session
