モジュール番号 Module |
2 |
Credits ( if register as Inter Graduate School Classes Coursd of Hokkaido University ): | 1 |
責任教員(所属) Instructor name (Affiliation) |
Michael HENSHAW (International Affairs Division, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University) |
責任教員連絡先(メール)/Instructor email | mike*vetmed.hokudai.ac.jp |
責任教員連絡先(電話)/Instructor phone | 011-706-6896 |
Link to instructor bio or website | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_J_Henshaw |
Teaching Assistant name and contact info | 3 assistants (changes each year) |
実施期間/Periods | 7th August 2024, 13:00-16:30 |
Language | English |
実施場所/Class Locations | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
For multidisciplinary problem solving it is necessary to collaborate with people outside of your comfort zone. That is, you need to find the right language to communicate with those who don’t share your expertise, culture, or English ability. This workshop challenges students to craft a solution to a One Health problem under time pressure with a small team of diverse people, and then deliver a presentation in front of an audience.
Some weeks before the workshop, you will choose from one of three One Health scenarios, and subsequently receive a small handout which includes basic background information.
1) Before workshop. Select your 1st and 2nd choice of scenario. Past categories have included environmental science, comparative oncology, infectious disease, and research ethics.
2) Group discussion. You have around 2 1/2 hours to answer your question and design your poster.
3) Presentation. Each group has 5 minutes to present their novel ideas to an audience of peers and faculty who vote on their favorite.
Group D students break the ice after meeting.
Discussion time is almost up, and teams put the finishing touches on their posters.
The winning presentation on how to fight the world’s worst zoonotic infections.
履修登録締め切り:2024年6月19日 / Registration Deadline:19th June 2024
1) To develop leadership and management skills by using time wisely to complete a specific task with a small group (4-6 people). 2) To make yourself understood in English to people from diverse backgrounds. 3) To gain confidence that you can create a novel and interesting presentation within a half day.
All levels of English ability are welcomed; part of the challenge is making yourself understood to a wide range of English speakers.
Ally students will be contacted for registration instructions.