M402_International cooperation project design practice

Credits ( if register as Inter Graduate School Classes Coursd of Hokkaido University ): 2
Instructor name (Affiliation)
Professor Kohei MAKITA (Veterinary Epidemiology Unit, Department of Veterinary Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University)
責任教員連絡先(メール)/Instructor email kmakita*rakuno.ac.jp
責任教員連絡先(電話)/Instructor phone 011-388-4761
Link to instructor bio or website http://rakuno-oiecenter.org/en/
実施期間/Periods TBD
Language English
実施場所/Class Locations 酪農学園大学
Rakuno Gakuen University

Class Information




In a research for development, research outcome is expected to introduce sustainable and positive changes to the beneficiaries. In this course, participants develop project design matrix which is used by JICA, under the collaboration with the project site in Uganda, where international cooperation on dairy hygiene and development is going on since 2016.



参加者にはハンドアウトが配られます。 JICAムバララ県安全な牛乳生産支援プロジェクト報告書に事前に目を通しておくことをお勧めします。


The handout will be distributed for the participants. Please have a look at the JICA Safe Milk Promotion in Mbarara project report in advance.

Schedule and Activities




13:00-13:50 講義:JICA Safe milk promotion in Mbarara project (Dr. Makita)

14:00-14:50 講義:project design matrix (PDM) (Dr. Makita)

15:00-15:10 ムバララ県獣医官より挨拶 (Dr. Akashaba Andrew)

15:10-15:50 プロジェクトがもたらしたものと、生産者のニーズ (Mr. Paul Nyakairu)

16:00-16:40 プロジェクトがもたらしたものと、地域獣医師・普及員のニーズ (Dr. Akashaba Andrew)

16:40-17:00 新しい環境に慣れる (Dr. Suguru Shimada, JICA/JOCV)


10:00-10:50 グループワーク: ニーズ、ステークホルダー、予想されるアウトカムを評価する

11:00-11:50 グループワーク: 目標、アプローチ、計測指標

13:00-13:50 グループワーク: PDM 作成

14:00-14:50 グループワーク: プレゼン準備

15:00-15:50 グループ・ディスカッション (connecting Uganda)


Reference: AY2022 schedule

2022 November 15

13:00-13:50 Lecture on JICA Safe milk promotion in Mbarara project (Dr. Makita)

14:00-14:50 Lecture on project design matrix (PDM) (Dr. Makita)

15:00-15:10 Greetings from District Veterinary Officer, Mbarara (Dr. Akashaba Andrew)

15:10-15:50 What projects brought and needs by farmers (Mr. Paul Nyakairu)

16:00-16:40 What projects brought and needs by field officers (Dr. Akashaba Andrew)

16:40-17:00 Settling in the new environment (Dr. Suguru Shimada, JICA/JOCV)

November 16

10:00-10:50 Group work: assessing the needs, stakeholders, and expected outcome

11:00-11:50 Group work: objective, approach, and measurable indicators

13:00-13:50 Group work: PDM development

14:00-14:50 Group work: Preparation of presentation

15:00-15:50 Group presentation (connecting Uganda)


  • Dairy farmers participated in JICA Safe Milk Promotion in Mbarara Project

  • Participants in a group work



履修登録はこちらから。/ Click here to register. 

履修登録締め切り:TBD / Registration Deadline:TBD

Class Information




Participants will be able to plan an international cooperation project, aiming at an expected outcome at five years later from the end of the project, considering potential external conditions which may arise during the study period.


Collaborators: JICA Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV); Mbarara District Veterinary Office; Mr. Paul Nyakairu
